Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

Fabel's Animal Stories


The tall, bull caribou stopped to rest on high knoll above the arctic tundra that he had just fled from.drawing_caribou dude.jpg (12317 bytes) He had been driven in a furious rage racing from the army of mosquitoes and flies which tortured him. He began to breathe easier and to eat moss growing up on top of the knoll. His small herd of 15 were on their way to join the northwest Alaskan herd. Soon the rest of the herd was peacefully eating beside him. They ate for a few minutes until the pests arrived. The caribou ran for a quarter of a mile before coming to stop for another rest. This time instead of eating all the caribou laid down to sleep. The next morning, the caribou woke up and resumed their quest for the northwest Alaskan herd of 200,000. Later that day the caribou were crossing a river and they found that all the pests were gone! Two days later they found the large northwest herd and peacefully rested with them.     


The large pod of about 75 narwhals milled around the bay in the summer feeding grounds. Sounds of chirps, whistles, clicks and sometimes screams filled the the warm current swishing in what seemed like mass confusion. But there was no confusion at all in this pod, the whales were communicating with each other very well. The young whales played with little bits of seaweed and playfully fought each other while their mothers kept a close eye on them. The large bulls leisurely crossed tusks and dove for food.
Meanwhile 20 deadly enemies lined up across the mouth of the bay, locking in on the narwhals. Huge dorsal fins broke the surface and the killers moved in.
Suddenly the blood curdling sound of an Orca filled the water and with a cry all the orcas rushed upon the unsuspecting narwhals. The narwhals were momentarily paralyzed with fear.
An old bull began to sprint towards shallow water. All the whales followed him while the narwhals held perfectly still. The orca whales echo location was thrown off by the breakers on the shore. The hungry orcas milled around for 2 hours waiting to hear a narwhal.
From across the bay, a family of narwhals traveled into the range of the 20 hungry orcas. The orca left the one pod of narwhal and went after the family that had just arrived in the bay. They had no chance of escape. They were rammed head-on and hit by muscular tails, never to dive again.


The young wolverine opened it’s eyes after sleeping well for six hours to discover that the air was ten degrees below zero. After stretching and arching his back, he scampered out of his den into the crisp morning air to search for food. He was always hungry.
He went to his usual food stash, a tree stump about 5 feet away from the opening of his den. In his hunger the wolverine failed to notice the difference in his food stash. The two rabbits he had killed the day before were moved from inside the tree stump to the edge of the tree stump.
drawing_animal.jpg (6798 bytes)As the wolverine ran up to his rabbits, a loud snap filled the air. The wolverine’s foot was caught in a trap. He felt excruciating pain and began to thrashing around, tugging to free his foot. Finally, he pulled himself free from the trap leaving part of his foot behind. At first he wondered what had happened. His foot was bleeding and hurting more than it had ever hurt before.
He howled and whimpered as he went back into his den to nurse his wound. It took three days before the wolverine could walk out of his den and find some vegetation to eat. After a couple of months, the wolverines partially amputated foot healed and he was able to hunt again. But, for the rest of his life the wolverine carried around the remembrance of that day that he was not alert.
Stories written by Aaron
Drawings by Samuel

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